One night… Darkness… Loneliness…
I can’t breathe, I can’t feel the air
I fight
I fight again and again. I fight until I lose my strength, until I see my emptiness, my void
I fight against the invisible
The invisible is powerful; its strength grows by absorbing my energy
It makes me feel small
It diminishes me
More insignificant
I disappear
Why fight if it simply takes over my entire essence, all of my feelings, my memories?
What is reality?
What is illusion?
I lose myself in my beliefs…
I am not afraid of death, of disappearing. Nor do I desire it…
Who would care?
I surrender to it because I don’t want to fight any more.
I give up! I give up seeing the light, feeling the air, the warmth, all the invisible love.
I surrender in my entirety.
If you want me, here I am.
I am yours. I surrender in my entirety.
End it. End my pain.